Nice Travel: Boomerangs Around the World
Travel is NICE. It's enlightening, expansive and leads me down new paths to jewelry inspiration. It's like being a student again, pursuing a lifelong degree in world culture, customs and cuisine I write my own "distance learning" curriculum, I study at my own pace, I'm giving myself straight As and gifting Nice boomerang charms all over the world.
Nice travel is mindful, mutually uplifting and fun, full of discovery and adventure. For my law of attraction loving pals, it means travel in the vortex, aka, in the ease and flow with just the right balance of pre paving and spark-of-the-moment surprise and delight.
It is of course, best done with a positive focus, high expectations, a big appetite and a keyring full of golden bronze boomerangs to say THANKS for being so NICE.
Thank YOU for the shipping pauses during nice adventures.
Shopping with a one woman show like A Nice World can feel quite old fashioned at times, and I hope that's a plus. I appreciate the balance and I hope you open your calendar right NOW to create space to prioritize your next adventure, large or small, near or far, whatever it may be.
Next up: An Odyssey through Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Medellin, Colombia
March is coming and I'm looking so forward to seeing a place I've had on the list forever. Along with this bucket list Galapagos, comes bonus Ecuador and double bonus, Colombia.
Transcendence: a Retreat by Celebrate Your Life, January 2025
January's second mini-adventure took place Scottsdale, AZ at an event by Celebrate Your Life featuring authors who combine science and spirituality. Learn more about a very special inspired Infinity Jewelry happening here: Infinite Transcendence.
Meow Wolf Exploration in Dallas and Houston, Texas
The first travel jaunt of 2025 was a whirlwind January visit to Texas to experience the two Meow Wolf locations there. I so loved the original Meow Wolf in Santa Fe NM, named House of Eternal Return. Omega Mart, perfectly located in Las Vegas, NV was also a mind blower. Seeing The Real Unreal in Grapevine/Dallas and Radio Tave in Houston was a perfect start to the year.
Meow Wolf is an incredibly inspiring, off the chart creativity and remarkable collaboration. I can't really describe it, but suffice it to say, I couldn't recommend it more highly. Check out the links above, and don't forget there's a new one in Denver as well, the biggest ever at 90K square feet! I hope to see it in 2025 and then in 2026, the newest currently under construction in Los Angeles, CA. What a world within a world. We are so lucky to have this life of whimsey, art and purely enchanting experiences.
Japan & Seoul, South Korea, December 2024
What an experience. Japan & South Korea adventure. I loved giving away so many new gifts this trip, including beaded jewelry based on the Japanese flag which by the way is based on the regal red-crowned crane. The Japanese gifting culture hits close to my Burning Man heart. I wrapped everything so nicely with ribbons and bows for travel appreciations in the land of conscientious gift giving.
Hmmm. I'm looking at this photo and wow I really need to shine up my NICE ring. :) Too much lifting my giant rocks while wearing all my rings. Oh well… It's truth in advertising, proof of devil may care daily wear and a NICE example of the Japanese philosophy called wabi sabi. More beautiful and meaningful than if it were perfect.
So many facets of this adventure can barely believe or comprehend. It started in Tokyo and Niigata, with an amazing Onsen (Japanese hot springs) experience with my dear friend Yuko. She's yet another facet is the miracle of knowing Alex Streeter, my silversmithing mentor.
Then I was off on a plane with a synchronous incredible view of Mt. Fuji. It was so good my Japanese friends said it was "unheard of" and I believe them. I landed in Kyoto for four glorious solo days, staying in a traditional Ryokan with an over the top onsen, no shoes allowed in the entire hotel, beautiful and aromatic tatami flooring, nightly ramen, and a breakfast beyond my travel dreams.
Days in Kyoto by myself meant hitting the streets at my own pace, exploring the magic, magnetic path in this mystical city. Days with up to 25,000 steps carried me from temple to bamboo forest, from giant Buddha statues to bustling marketplaces with amazing snacks, sweets and food.
From there, back to Osaka to reunite with the amazing Yuko once again, buzzing around through my dream neighborhood of Shensekai, visiting CREAM Osaka jewelry store, making new friends along the way, before heading back to Tucson via a whirlwind and calorific tour through Seoul, South Korea.
Seoul was incredible with temples alongside skyscrapers. Culture streets and neighborhoods set aside for immersive, fascinating shops, restaurants and street food galore. I might add that 3 days before leaving for Seoul, martial law was declared there. Wheeeee never a dull moment in international travel. Fortunately I breathed my way through and it was resolved and unraveled within days.
Thanks for coming along for the ride. Way too many reels and photos were posted on Instagram if you're curious for more.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
Rio is a little bit more sparkly now, with a trail of shiny travel gift boomerang charms, given through Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Paraguay.
This trip was with my very first best friend and dear friend for lifetimes. Our celestial moms are BOTH named Joann and they were/are best friends for life, too. Today we received an email of a time change for one of our pick ups. They spelled my name JOANCE. Not two days after I said to my pal that our moms are cheering and dancing for us.
Life. Connection. Travel. Friends. Adventures. Life. Joy. Fun. Travel. ... Rinse lather and repeat, Nice people, and celebrate this never (ever ever ever) ending circle we share.
Rio de Janeiro fulfilled a long-held wish list to see this gorgeous city built in an incredible mountainous terrain, ringed by world-famous beaches. For the rest of my life, hearing "Girl from Ipanema" will never be the same. That's travel. Filling life with so many more fun coincidences, connections and memories to spring up again and again.
Jungles, cable cars, soaring heights, pedestrian streets, handicrafts, local food, beach breezes, friendly faces and millions of mini markets. Thunderous waterfalls, bajillions of butterflies, wooden walkways, and hour upon hour with my first friend in life and someone so precious to me. I'm so glad we had this time together in such a magical place on a grand international adventure.
If we could have a crystal ball, would we? If 50 years ago we had somehow seen this trip, while buried under a mountain of raked maple leaves, eating oatmeal pies till we were both sick. (I've still never had one.) Or one of those days with me riding on the seat of her bike as she pedaled us to softball practice, if we had seen this adventure coming in a flash-forward, I wonder if we would have believed it. That makes me wonder what lies ahead in this amazing life on this beautiful blue spinning ball.
Solar Eclipse in the Heartland, Down Memory Lane
Woooosh! April arrived and I was barely ready for the bunny.
Who am I kidding, I'm always ready for the bunny.
But tomorrow, this bunny is hopping to the heartland. I'll be skipping across the clouds like flat stones skipped on Copper Creek, my mom's childhood playground and final terrestrial resting place, all the way home.
First stop, Cincinnati, then driving to the old Kentucky home and Copper Creek (as the song goes) to where my Mom spent much of her childhood wading in the creek with our Kentucky kin. Then to my sisters, old friends, more relatives, then up to Cleveland and Kent State for the Eclipse with a band of my soul brothers and dear ones from days gone by. I posted so many photos from the eclipse and hung Nice Bee rings from their blooming, buzzing trees. Beautiful.
I have my first check-on bag in a decade, filled with presents, fire hot chiltepin peppers for Rick up near Kent, Tucson treasures and a few family heirlooms to share to the sisters and the fam. The suitcase is soon to return, filled with dad's remaining Griswold skillets and lids, plus a giant copper pot from my dearly not-so-departed father. Strange indeed, to feel that circle close itself back in Tucson, AZ but normal, natural, right as rain and the big circle turns.
Caribbean Adventure Law of Attraction Workshop
Travelogue March, 2024
Caribbean Law of Attraction Adventure
It's a Law of Attraction, Abraham Jam-Packed kind of year thus far and that works for me. We soon set sail back to the Caribbean, but this time to five new places yet-unseen by me in the Lesser Antilles. St. Maarten, Dominica, Barbados, St. Lucia and Antigua. I'm researching history, culture, music, natural wonders and of course cuisine to prepare for what should prove to be an epic high seas adventure with friends old and new. Joy keys are packed and ready and soon I will be too. See you after March 22nd, happy St. Patrick's and every lucky day in between.
Travelogue February, 2024
Santa Fe, New Mexico, Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction Workshop
What a treat to have the opportunity to attend a rare 2-day Abraham workshop and to have it so close to home in the "home away from home" of my college bestie. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Santa Fe, not only for its endless blue skies, crisp air, classic structures, mountains of authentic silver jewelry and oceans of green chili. After college when we all tearfully ripped apart from each other like friendship velcro, Kathy made her way toward Albuquerque and sister city Santa Fe, immediately stumbling upon a heart drawn in the sidewalk in the wet concrete that said KATHY LOVES JILL. Santa Fe, you had my heart and always will. Seeing Abraham with her was a first of I hope many, and something I'll never forget. I had a great trip to the hotseat and am happy to report I left just a little bit (a very little bit) of green chili back in New Mexico.
Luna Luna and Los Angeles
Travelogue January 2024
Los Angeles for Art, Architecture and Law of Attraction
Oh how I love the City of Angels. Excited to kick off 2024 with a quick trip to see all my favorite sights, visit the UNFATHOMABLE AMAZING INCREDIBLE ART SPECTACLE THAT IS Luna Luna and join my favorite Law of Attraction group LIVE and in person for the monthly meeting, rather than on Zoom. Back in a jiffy from this weekend getaway and I have an eye on the shop, so orders are not paused for this trip. I'll even be visiting my favorite Los Angeles jewelry casting company, so feel free let the questions and requests fly!
Costa Rica Pura Vida with a side of Panama
Travelogue: December 2023
Costa Rica and Panama, a nature, culture and adventure trip.
Pure life! That's CR's motto and PURA VIDA is what we experienced with an exquisitely planned and enjoyed holiday trip to round out 2023. Returning to Central America to explore a new country feels a little familiar and a lot new and exciting. San Jose is home to a mind-boggling collection of Pre Colombian Gold artifacts and an incredible National Museum where I finally got to see an incredible collection of the stone Spheres so amazing and mysterious. The museum is housed in what was the Army/prison. Did you know Costa Rica decided to go military-free? What an interesting country both geographically and politically.
The Monte Verde cloud forest was a whole new world, as only 1% of the rainforests on the earth qualify as cloud forests. Boats and jeeps and vans traversed across mountains and lakes, past many of Costa Rica's 100 volcanos. We gazed into craters, marveled at Arenal from hot springs in our hotel as well as from a road side hot spring access to the Tabacon River. The Caribbean side with Cahuita National Park opened our eyes to the incredible diversity of this country. It is the size of West Virginia but has a huge percentage of the world's life forms. We jumped over to Panama for amazing reef snorkeling in Boca del Toros and sped alongside dolphins jumping and playing. The food, the lifestyle and as always the PEOPLE made this adventure incredible.
Of Safaris and Synchronicity: Kenya, Tanzania and Istanbul
Travelogue: November 2023
Kenya & Tanzania safaris, Lamu Island culture trip and Istanbul
My oh my, a year of planning and pre-paving this trip passed by in the blink of an elephant's eye. A whirlwind 21 days through Nairobi, three Kenyan Wildlife Reserves, Tanzania, Lamu Island (the birthplace of Swahili culture) and a synchronous two nights and three days in Istanbul, compliments of Turkish Airlines.
I could type a river about this experience. The wildlife! Seeing so many animals roaming free and safe, watching every day for the Leopard and Rhino to complete our Big 5 which happened at the last minute on the last day. So many interactions with amazing people I am in love with Kenyans and Kenya and I have a burning jewelry project that will (aw shucks) get me back there next year.
Istanbul was everything I dreamed of, and how that came about with 2 24-hour delays and complimentary FABULOUS Grand Yavuz Hotel was beyond. I ran around nonstop to see the grand market, jaw dropping mosques, a fashion show, and enjoyed interacting with the incredible people of Istanbul which of course means people of the entire world. What a place.
For much much more on the animals, the boomerang recipients and the culture of these amazing spots, check out the dozen or so video reels posted in the Kenya and Istanbul Albums on the A Nice World Facebook Page.
Wow. What a trip.
St. Petersburg: Salvador Dali and The Melting of Time
Travelogue October 2023: "The Persistence of Memory," when TIME melts and bends.
This weekend adventure was inspirational and motivational while relaxing and contemplative on the other side of the coin. The trip was a unique balancing act, oscillating between go go go (which I love) and sitting in stillness in a gorgeous garden backyard with perfect breezes barely brushing my face. I don't quite remember when doing nothing felt so very something, and it was decadent.
The fantastic sights and sounds of downtown, great foods and fun on rooftop patios, driving a friend's Porsche Panamera Twin Turbo were all a thrill and a joy and a whole lot of fun. That was the go go go.
At the Salvador Dali Museum, we first took in the sculpture and rock boulder garden, then the 360-degree immersive experience. That set the tone to see - for the first time - so many famous works. Delightfully, none of them met my expectations. The ones I thought would be HUGE were so small I still can't believe the detail within them. The ones I thought might be a couple feet wide filled entire walls with grandeur. To put my eyes six inches from those brush strokes was a wonder.
I consider myself in the 1% when it comes to synchronicity and magic moments. Visiting the museum the FINAL weekend of the "Ideas" exhibit with dozens of Dali's noodles, doodles and early sketches of grand works was a highlight of the year. I took 100 photos at least, so I can even hope to recollect the feeling of glimpsing these treasures first hand.
Friends, fun, cheese boards, really really special Spanish food at the Dali Cafe, my first grouper Ruben sandwich, my first oyster shooter, my first time driving a Porsche (apparently I like to start at the top), it was all an inspiration and a blast. Good friends make for fun adventures and I can't wait to return for Chihuly, Weeki Watchie, and more quiet mornings filled with those perfect Floridian breezes.
Palm Springs in Coachella Valley, California
Travelogue October 11, 2023: AAA Anita, Astrology & Aspirations
Sometimes Nice adventures are prioritized based on the people, not the place. Despite a busy travel schedule, late in September a strong, undeniable impulse struck: GO VISIT ANITA.
I chose to visit on 10-11-23 because 1011 is one of my favorite lucky numbers. Although I could only stay one night, it was perfect timing to visit to this fascinating, history-filled desert valley. As I sat appreciating a beautiful fountain at the Palm Springs open air airport, I noticed in the photo I had taken that I was across from Gate 10-11. To top it off, at that moment heard the announcement "Flight 1011 is arriving from Las Vegas with baggage at carousel five!"
I love it when the universe makes it so very clear that I'm in the right place at the right time and for the right reason: time with ANITA.
The incredible human being at the heart of this visit has been a friend since the late 90s when we met in a Spanish class in Tucson AZ. For a decade or so, upon moving to the desert southwest, I made it a point to always be enrolled in a community class whether it be jewelry making, stained glass, global dance, fire spinning, Spanish or other topics that caught my curiosity.
The habit of "Always Be Learning" enriched my life beyond description. One of the biggest ways was meeting Anita and Woody. (HI WOODY! Now that he's returned to pure positive energy I know he can read this as I type, even before I hit "save" or "upload" to the blog. Love you Woody!)
Anita (and Woody) influenced me so much, taught me about life, astrology, meditation, inner peace, true priorities, friendship, love, Yiddish, life's mysteries and enjoying the unfolding of every chapter of life. Now nearing 90, she's still filled to the overflowing with life force and her influence is one I treasure and carry close.
We talked about Law of Attraction and what we want from life. I laughed about joking about La Quinta "The hotel?" to both my uber drivers. VOILA 24 hours later back in Tucson, I was asked to write a travel article on - where - LA QUINTA.
Hard to believe but then again, where thoughts go, energy flows. Its all coming back like a boomerang. The world is a fun place, there are no accidents or coincidences.
People like Anita help me keep my compass needle pointed to this truth and to my true north: JOY. I hope you do the same. Sit. Visualize. Appreciate. FEEL the joy and align your desires, beliefs and expectations into the sweet spot and see what the universe delivers.
Also, reach out to a friend or two. Visit if you can, give a hug, and tell them how very much you love having them in your life. Friendship. Loved ones. Connecting in meaningful ways. That's the nicest adventure of all. XO-J
Salt Lake City, Utah:
Travelogue October 2023: OUR in Salt Lake City
This adventure was sparked by a Kyle Cease workshop which doubled as an Operation Underground Railroad fundraiser.
The experience soared to new heights of inspiration through spending time with my dear friend Gayle Lantz of CEO on the Go and Work Matters. She introduced me to two of the most amazing leaders I have ever had the good fortune to meet, Amanda and Amy of Authentic CEO.
So much to write and share on this short weekend getaway, and I hope, more adventures with these inspiring women soon.
Aurora Borealis September Solstice, Alaska
Travelogue September Solstice/Equinox, 2023: A Northern Lights Dream
Just a hop skip and snowflake from the Arctic Circle lies Chena Hot Springs, a place I've dreamed to visit on the Solstice/Equinox to see the Northern Lights. I've always been lucky in travel, be it solo or with travel pals and for this trip, that's part of the story.
Sometimes - well, usually - life makes it very obvious how lucky I am. One example is manifesting a college bestie whose last name IS actually LOVE. Who has a birthday equal distant from the September Solstice as my own. I'm a week prior and she's a week after, so the turning point/tipping point Equinox is a perfect time to connect and explore a new part of the world and of our friendship.
Hot springs like I've never experienced before, SUS-V's heading straight up a mountain to a yurt on a domed hill for the best black-as-night viewing and more stars than I've ever seen. Spotting a moose, trying "Hard Tack" crackers for the first time, marveling at ice sculptures in a giant ice castle-igloo... there were a lot of firsts on this trip.
I'm eternally grateful to close my eyes and remember that miraculous, moving, changing, glowing light in the sky. I'll always be reminded that it is matched by the dancing light within me, always.
Isla Mujeres, Mexico
Travelogue August 2023: Isla Mujeres.
That's Spanish for Island of Women or Women's Island. This historically significant, culturally rich island is so fascinating, alluring and inspiring. To start, it was aptly named "Women's Island" by the Spanish. Upon arrival, they encountered myriad of goddess statues veritably covering this tiny island, thus declaring it Isla Mujeres.
It really is teeny tiny, but it has a great BIG story. The island is only 4.5 miles long and half a mile wide. Yet it has TWO Malecons, art galore, Yucatan cuisine, archeology, museums and nightlife both at Isla Mujeres and Cancun, just a ferry away. Add in beach time, Mayan culture, and if your timing is right, whale shark snorkeling and baby sea turtle hatchlings!
No visit is complete without a meeting with the women at the Isla Mujeres Bead Co-operative. I created some new designs to sell, benefitting the cooperative even further. Also a must, is sitting at Ixchel's Temple to watch the first rays of morning sun landing on the Eastern most point of Mexico.
That's a lot of discovery, exploration and gifting bronze boomerangs to Nice people along the way. Isla Mujeres is a great place to satiate your curiosities, pursue your passions or simply seek whatever unique moments that make your heart soar. XO - Jill
Ringing in the Irie New Year 2023 in Jamaica:

Travelogue New Year's 2023: Jamaican Paradise
A New Year to remember, a favorite favorite favorite from the planning to the doing to the remembering oh Jamaica you have my heart.
Where to begin? Learning and speaking Jamaican Patois, splashing in electric blue water in a Bioluminescent Bay, spending hours half-submerged snorkeling the beachline and ohhhhhhhhhhh my the Jerk spice!
Waterfalls.... crystal blue THICK clear streams and rivers a color I've never seen or imagined. I have never experienced this quality of WATER in such a heart grabbing way. This trip has me scouring every new land listing in the entire country, one by one, as they go for sale. I'm watching closely for a view and river access. It just feels right and until the right lot pops up, it feels amazing to look and dream.
I learned so much from Irena of Jamaica Irie and her inspiring Youtube channel. I loved getting to know her and her team. Highlights also included hand-feeding hummingbirds at an amazing sanctuary/reserve. Scheduling and rocking a private Reggae dance lesson, and I even had the pleasure to spin a little fire at a pre-planned fire performance show at my hotel, Deja. All this, plus more walking, swimming, dancing and eating traditional Jamaican foods and sweets until I couldn't take another step or bite.
Jamaica started 2023 like none other and she has left a heart shaped mark on my heart. I can't wait to see where it leads.